Individual membership
You can also join the AFIAP as an individual with the status of a individual member.
Send us the completed membership form (you can download it here and modify it on-line-only in French version) with the correct payment to:.
by mail: AFIAP - 92038 Paris La Défense cedex
by email :
by fax : +33 (0)1 47 17 62 77
The AFIAP administrative service is at your disposal for any further information. If you would like to receive a copy of the 2012-2013 directory of AFIAP members, please contact the administrative service on 01 47 17 62 73 / available while stocks last).
Comment payer la cotisation ?​
Payement par chèque :
à l’ordre de l’AFIAP
Payement par virement
RIB : 30066 / 10251 / 00010229701 / 93
IBAN : FR76 3006 6102 5100 0102 2970 193
CIC Courbevoie